How Reader’s Choice works
Since 1993, the Calgary Herald has been asking readers to vote for their favourites in a wide range of categories.
Readers are invited to go to a special website and fill out an online form with their choices.
The results of this survey are tabulated, and the names of the businesses that top each category’s vote totals are published in the special Reader’s Choice section you are now reading.
Some of the winning businesses that choose to advertise are also featured with a story in this special publication.
A primary goal of the Reader’s Choice polling process in fairness – i.e. one person, one vote.
Attempts at submitting multiple forms are restricted by the use of a combination of user email addresses, IP addresses and other forms of electronic tracking.
In addition, all votes are reviewed by at least two individuals to ensure accuracy.
Once the polling is completed, the results are tabulated and a list of the year’s winners is compiled.
We consider the Reader’s Choice Awards one of each year’s most important and significant projects, and we hope our advertisers and readers do, too.
